With lawyers specialized in Brazilian and foreign legislations regarding matters related to Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Compliance, we can meet the most varied demands in these areas. Our services include:
We work on all pillars of a Compliance and Integrity Program, implementing and/or completely reviewing it while focusing on the specificities and risks that each client may have. We have expertise in serving small and medium-sized companies, multinationals, public and parastatal entities.
We perform analysis and mapping of Compliance and Integrity risks, building an Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework from document analysis and interviews with key executives, classifying the risks according to the degree of impact and probability, in conformity with the COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission) framework, and developing internal controls for monitoring and mitigating identified risks.
We audit Compliance and Integrity Programs by preparing a diagnostic report for the program, identifying weaknesses and opportunities for improvement, and building an action plan to track it and make it effective.
We prepare and review internal policies addressing the specificities and risks that each client has, from small businesses to multinationals, aligned with the most modern trends on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG).
With broad market knowledge and different techniques of due diligence, our lawyers are committed to the best practices and uses of artificial intelligence to assist our clients in the analysis of their business partners (such as representatives or suppliers), and to assist in business strategies involving analysis and risk mitigation in mergers and acquisitions.
We conduct internal corporate investigations derived both from internal reporting channels and/or from external whistleblowers on matters related to corruption, money laundering, fraud, conflict of interest, harassment, among others. In addition, we advise on the communication and reporting of information to Brazilian and foreign authorities, and on the negotiation of leniency agreements, cooperation or non-criminal prosecution agreements with the control bodies.
We track and monitor independently Compliance and Integrity Programs of companies that have entered into a leniency agreement with inspection and control bodies, such as the Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General (CGU), Brazilian Attorney General Office (AGU), the Prosecutor´s Office and the Federal Prosecution Service.
With many successful cases in achieving corporate integrity certifications, our team helps small, medium and large corporations in their internal adjustments to obtain certifications, such as ISO 37.001 (Anti-bribery Management), ISO 37.301 (Compliance Management Systems), CGU’s Pro-Ethics Company Program, and the More Integrity Seal from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supplying.
We prepare and monitor the execution of communication and training plans related to the Compliance and Integrity Program. Additionally, we provide in-person and distance training for employees, senior management and third parties on the main topics related to Compliance and Integrity, such as conflict of interest, donations and sponsorship, relationship with public agents, gifts and entertainment, preventing bid rigging, among others.
We work as Compliance Officer and/or Member of the Ethics Committee of companies that choose to have them outsourced as a measure to ensure independence and autonomy.
We perform as independent members of the Board of Directors and Audit Committees, in accordance with the best practices and in compliance with the Brazilian Corporate Law, the regulations of the special segments of B3 (formerly BM&FBOVESPA) and international standards.
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